Honoring Our Dead With Taking Chance
As anyone who knows him can attest, my brother Mark loves movies. His
DVD collection is, to say the least, extensive, and he is actually a
true scholar of films. He has published numerous movie reviews about
World War Two movies that I have really enjoyed for their insights and
examination of deeper themes contained in the films. Interestingly he
is also passionate about films concerning Jesus, and has taught several
studies privately on the subject.
I read his blog entry this morning and saw his comments on the movie Taking Chance.
I had never seen the movie and was intrigued by its premise and how he
had used it to instruct his daughter Chloe on the meaning of Memorial
Day. (Chloe, by the way, is adopting her father's appreciation for
classic film: on one visit she wanted me to watch Singing In the Rain with her as opposed to the more conventional Disney or Pixar offerings my kids grew up with). Fortunately I had access to Taking Chance on one of my internet subscription services, and so I watched it.

The film is incredibly moving and really had no message except it told the tale of how the body of a fallen soldier was treated with respect and dignity throughout his journey from the combat zone to burial in his Wyoming hometown. I admit I cried like a baby watching it. I was reminded of the famous quote attributed to Joseph Stalin "the death of one man is a tragedy; the death of millions is a statistic". Sometimes, unless we know the deceased personally, we fail to acknowledge the real human impact of war, and that is another valuable reminder of the film. I understood the conflict experienced by Kevin Bacon's character as well, about whether his service as a staff officer working basically a military job on civilian work schedule allowed him to claim the title of a "real" Marine compared to the obvious sacrifice of those who are actually fighting. I am a Desert Storm era veteran who did not go to Desert Storm. I spent that time assisting in refresher training of reservists recalled to active duty to backfill units in Germany, but still was the beneficiary of the outpouring of public affection for the military during that conflict, and sometimes felt like an impostor.
The film is incredibly moving and really had no message except it told the tale of how the body of a fallen soldier was treated with respect and dignity throughout his journey from the combat zone to burial in his Wyoming hometown. I admit I cried like a baby watching it. I was reminded of the famous quote attributed to Joseph Stalin "the death of one man is a tragedy; the death of millions is a statistic". Sometimes, unless we know the deceased personally, we fail to acknowledge the real human impact of war, and that is another valuable reminder of the film. I understood the conflict experienced by Kevin Bacon's character as well, about whether his service as a staff officer working basically a military job on civilian work schedule allowed him to claim the title of a "real" Marine compared to the obvious sacrifice of those who are actually fighting. I am a Desert Storm era veteran who did not go to Desert Storm. I spent that time assisting in refresher training of reservists recalled to active duty to backfill units in Germany, but still was the beneficiary of the outpouring of public affection for the military during that conflict, and sometimes felt like an impostor.
However the point I want to make is about the diversity of backgrounds
of the people honoring Chance Phelps, the fallen Marine, and his escort
officer, LTC Michael Strobl. Throughout the film, spontaneous gestures
of respect take place, ranging from the complimentary upgrade of the
outbound flight to first class Strobl receives at the airline ticket
counter, to the stewardess who wordlessly hands Strobl a crucifix on the
plane, to a baggage handler getting bedding for Strobl to sleep on so
he can stay with Phelps' body during an overnight layover, to finally an
impromptu funeral procession that forms as Phelps' body is driven 5
hours from the airport to his home. This is where I see hope for us as a
nation. There are points that divide us, sure, but there are also
those where all of us as Americans can agree. Honoring those who have
died in the defense of our freedom is definitely one.
So, thanks to my brother, I feel I celebrated Memorial Day with a proper attitude of respect and remembrance. Despite the gulf of what often seems to divide us, and our very real differences, there is common ground. This is what we can build on.
So, thanks to my brother, I feel I celebrated Memorial Day with a proper attitude of respect and remembrance. Despite the gulf of what often seems to divide us, and our very real differences, there is common ground. This is what we can build on.